By -Georgia Lund- Gardeners are always anxious to get outside and play in the dirt after a long, cold winter indoors. As soon as the weather warms up and the ground thaws, it’s time to get your garden ready for spring. Grab those gardening tools and head outdoors to make preparations for the upcoming growing season. Garden Clean UpThe first order of business is clean up the garden. Fall and winter leave behind a variety of debris on the garden, and spring is the ideal clean up time. Remove twigs,...

By -Georgia Lund-  Houseplants offer several benefits besides just looking pretty. Houseplants help purify the air so you can breathe better, living greenery helps reduce stress, and colorful blooms help us feel optimistic. There’s a wide array of houseplants to choose from, including these easy-care exotic plants that are sure to brighten up your interior living space as well as your mood. Moth Orchid Dainty-looking and easy to grow, the moth orchid (Phalaenopsis) will thrive in a room that receives high-to-medium natural light. Keep the soil moist, but not soggy,...

 -By Lynsey Grosfield- There are a few Christmas plants that consistently hit the stores every year, and they couldn't be more different from one another. Here is the low-down on taking care of the three most popular seasonal botanical all throughout the holidays. Poinsettias ( Euphorb ia pulcherrima) are native to Mexico, where they have been used as both a dye and as a symbol of Christmas since the 16th century. Poinsettias aren’t grown for their flowers but actually for their bracts—which are a specialized form of leaf—that stop the show, they...

  -by Connie- Hоuѕерlаntѕ and gоrgеоuѕ gаrdеnѕ аrе thе рrіdе оf mаnу hоmеоwnеrѕ. We ѕреnd hоurѕ аnd lоtѕ оf mоnеу selecting thе реrfесt рlаnt, tilling thе soil аnd hеlріng thеm tо flourish. Plаntѕ іnѕіdе thе home have been ѕhоwn to reduce іndооr pollutants and freshen the air. Cut flоwеrѕ frоm thе flоrіѕt саn show someone thаt you care аnd саn brіghtеn uр the rооm. But all of thіѕ bеаutу саn be dеаdlу... іf you hаvе a саt or dog. Many houseplants are tоxіс tо both саtѕ аnd dogs. Some саn...